I am most interested and motivated by the following question: why do things occur? I find this question to be the most compelling as it relates to emotional health.
To clarify, I view “mental health” as your mind’s ability to process the information it perceives through your senses. And I view “emotional health” as the expression of how you relate and respond to this information.
Which leads to my next favorite question: what's the use of that particular expression? Why depression, mania, anxiety or impulsivity (to name a few examples)? I also wonder how much of our behavior is really choice driven rather than a habitual and conditioned response to our environment. I believe behavior is a way of compensating for uncertainty; the behavior itself protects us from perceived harm. (This is not to justify or excuse inappropriate or problematic behavior, but more to offer another perspective on behavior and emotional health).
I think it’s reasonable to say that you cannot separate psychological experience from physical experience and vice versa. And if this is true, it seems possible that our emotional expression can be related to, or even caused by, poor physiological adaption. This is where I hope to offer another explanation to your emotional health and provide a solution through medicine. It’s my goal to explore possible factors affecting your emotional health that are not as obvious or commonly explored. Factors include hormone imbalances, poor sleep, food sensitivities, oxidative stress, nutrient deficiencies, chronic infections, and impaired DNA expression. The key here is to identify the overwhelm in your system and correct it.